EmployAbility Strategy

The EmployAbility Strategy 2018 to 2022 aims to improve the participation of people with disability in the Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS).

It gives agencies tools, information and resources to help people fulfil their potential in the workforce.

Read the EmployAbility Strategy PDF (607.2 KB).

Key areas

The strategy focuses on 4 areas:

  • nurturing an inclusive workplace culture
  • supporting attraction and retention practices
  • supporting skills acquisition and career development
  • promoting accessibility.


The goals of the strategy are to:

  • increase the attraction and retention rates for people with disability to the NTPS
  • improve career opportunities in the NTPS for people with disability
  • raise awareness of the value that people with disability can bring to the workplace and increase disability confidence
  • create a workforce that better reflects the diversity of the community it serves.

EmployAbility Strategy review

The NTPS EmployAbility Strategy 2018-2022 has now finished.

The strategy is now under review and evaluation with plans to deliver a new strategy in 2023.

Disability action plans aligned to the strategy and progress reports provided during the reporting period 2020-2022 offer significant insights into disability employment initiatives across the NTPS. These will support the outcomes-based evaluation of the strategy.


If you have any questions call 08 8999 3708 or email swpd.ocpe@nt.gov.au.