Bulletin 9 - ballot open, have your say - issued 12 September 2024
The ballot for the proposed Northern Territory Public Sector Educators’ 2024-2027 Enterprise Agreement PDF (1.1 MB) has now opened.
It is important that you have your say by voting on the proposed agreement.
Your vote needs to be received prior to the ballot closing at 10:30am on Thursday 19 September 2024.
Make your vote count
All employees are entitled to vote. You do not have to be a union member to vote in the ballot.
Every vote is important and can make a difference, and I encourage you to take part in this ballot by casting your vote.
How to vote
You should have received an email from the Northern Territory Electoral Commission (NTEC) with instructions on how to vote electronically using the 'Netvote' system.
If you haven't received an email, or need assistance, you should email NTEC at netvote.ntec@nt.gov.au or call 08 8999 7641.
You will need to provide your AGS number to NTEC to verify your identity. NTEC can also provide assistance if you have any questions in relation to the voting process.
Northern Territory Electoral Commission
NTEC is an independent authority who manages the ballot process and counting of the votes.
The NTEC ballot process ensures that all employee personal details remain confidential, and that voting preferences cannot be identified.
The ballot count will be conducted at the NTEC Office in Darwin, Level 3 TCG Centre 80 Mitchell Street.
I will advise employees of the ballot result via a bulletin and a notice on the NTPS non-contract principals, teachers and assistant teachers enterprise agreement negotiations.
More information
Links to the proposed agreement, explanatory notes and relevant documents referenced in the proposed agreement are available in bulletin 7, and hard copies are available around Department of Education schools and work sites (e.g. lunch rooms).
For further information on the proposed agreement (to have terms of the agreement explained to you, and the effect of those terms); the explanatory notes, or the ballot process, please contact Amee Brown at the Department of Corporate and Digital Development on 08 8999 3260, or OCPE at enquiries.ocpe@nt.gov.au or by phone on 08 8999 4282.
All bulletins related to this bargaining process are available at NTPS non-contract principals, teachers and assistant teachers enterprise agreement negotiations.
Nicole Hurwood
Commissioner for Public Employment
12 September 2024