Champions of Inclusion

The Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) is committed to creating an open, inclusive and diverse workplaces.

The Champions of Inclusion (CoI) consists of chief executive officers (CEOs) from across the Northern Territory Government.

Their role

Their role is to support Aboriginal employment and disability employment matters.

They do this by supporting agency wide strategies to achieve the following:

  • cultural change
  • minimise stereotypes
  • increase diversity competence.

Providing a mentally healthy workplace is also a key focus.

They also provided strategic leadership, direction and support into the following strategies:

CEO champions

The CEO champions represent their agencies, and not only drive  necessary cultural change, but influence others to do the same.

The EmployAbility Strategy 2024-2027 PDF (854.0 KB) was launched in June 2024, will ensure sector leadership through champions of inclusion.

Watch the video

On the video below, the previous members of the CoI shared why they were champions for inclusion and what they aimed to achieve in the group.


If you have any questions call 08 8999 3708 or email