Workforce capabilities

The Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) has developed frameworks and tools to support staff with their workforce performance and to reach their professional goals.

If you work for the NT Government, find out more on NTG Central.

Central to workforce performance are capabilities - the knowledge, skills and attributes that workers must demonstrate to perform their roles effectively.

Capability Framework

The NTPS Capability Framework (CF) describes the capabilities and associated behaviours expected of all NTPS employees.

It provides our diverse public sector a shared language to describe the capabilities needed for effective performance across all classifications, occupations and organisations.

The framework supports the NTPS to develop and maintain a workforce that is:

  • highly capable
  • flexible
  • sustainable
  • future focused.

It has 13 levels that align to classifications and employment streams for all agencies.

Read the NTPS Capability Framework PDF (1.1 MB).

Occupation specific capability frameworks

The CF is designed to complement occupation specific frameworks. These include:

  • Records Management Capability Framework
  • Procurement Capability Development Framework.

Employees in these professions should use these frameworks.

They can also help employees interested in careers in these professions identify the required capabilities.

The other frameworks are available in NTG Central.

Capability Discovery Tool

If you work for the NTPS, use the Capability Discovery Tool to assess yourself or another person against the NTPS capabilities.

You can find the tool in NTG Central.

Capability Framework posters

Choose from the below posters to display in your office.

Development framework posters for middle managers

Executive Leader Development Framework (ELDF)

The ELDF provides a clear view and an important benchmark for executives. Read the more about the ELDF.


If you have any questions call 08 8999 3708 or email