Alan Nutton
Power and Water
In 1989 a hobbit-like graduate with the Commonwealth Bank decided to tuck his Bachelor of Economics under his arm and jump ship to accept the offer of a position with NT Treasury.
From Treasury a move to the then Department of Industries and Development led to many years working with both large and small business operators across the Territory.
A secondment out to Business in the Community which lasted 5 years provided the opportunity to work closely with small business, forming networks, business matching and facilitating the invaluable professional assistance provided by the network of solicitors, accountants, book-keepers and advisors that gave those new starters a chance to survive and succeed in small business.
Ultimately a move to Power and Water as a Corporate Account Manager, when the electricity market was opened up to competition, opened a door to new challenges: Leading the Customer Service team through culture change and surviving a 30% price increase. Keeping call centres operating during emergency recoveries associated with cyclones, floods and system blacks had its moments. Ultimately strong project and stakeholder management skills and a passion for employees, culture and engagement led to a move into the People and Culture space. Helping and supporting the great teams that keep the lights on, make the water flow, and get the waste safely out the other end across the NT, is a great job in the greatest place in Australia – the best place to work, live, and raise a family.
31 years not out.