Vicki Krause

Department of Health

I am public health physician, long term Director of CDC as an NT-wide unit. I am the current Director of CDC-EH, TEHS, serving the areas of Surveillance and Outbreak Response, Immunisation, Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses (SH&BBVs), Medical Entomology, Trachoma, RHD and the TB/Leprosy/NTM unit for the NT.

I am a member and, past Chair of CDNA, the peak national body charged with managing public health aspects of infectious diseases in Australia. I have worked to build an NT TB Control Program over 30 years that has seen a marked reduction in TB in the Aboriginal population.

My early work involved vaccine preventable disease, surveillance and research, where the NT often lead the way in targeted interventions for eg Hib, pneumococcal, hepatitis B and rotavirus vaccination programs.

I chaired the NT Sexual Health Advisory Group for many years, working with government and non-government sectors for STI /BBV disease control.

I have been the editor of the NT Disease Control Bulletin since 1993.

My years in the NT have been dedicated to building a unit that delivers high quality disease control services, support and information to NT clinicians and the public, protecting the health of the NT, and, providing public health training and mentorship.

Vicki Krause