Ralph Hutchins

Power and Water

I joined Transport and Works, Water Division, on the 4th of February 1980 in Darwin.

In the first 3 years as a component of my training in Civil Engineering I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work in all of the branches within Water Division, which laid a very good foundation for my future career.

I then settled in Engineering Planning and worked on Standards, Trade Waste and Development with a period of time as Divisional Lands Officer. Some of the more interesting projects were the Future Dams Study looking at seven option for future dam sites for Darwin, the working group for the introduction of computerised mapping, and the development of Trade Waste management.

In June 1987 I arrived in Alice Springs and have remained here for 33 years. I first worked in the Water Operations group with an additional role in providing Development services. With the amalgamation of Power and Water I was asked, in 1988, to provide development services for both Power and Water, providing a one stop shop for developers and builders.

I then moved to Water Operations looking after contracts and then as Water Operations Manager. In 1995 I transferred to Aboriginal Essential Services which became Remote Operation. I have really enjoyed my role for the last 25 years delivering and receiving water, sewer and power projects.

Highlights to date have been completing a Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management, working on 14 full community sewerage systems, bore drilling projects, water tanks, power stations and power lines projects with best of all continuing to deliver projects that improve the level of services to Aboriginal  communities.

Ralph Hutchins