Damien Clarke

Department of the Attorney-General and Justice

I joined Correctional Services in 1986 and worked as a custodial Officer for two years before working as Acting Senior prison officer and Acting Chief Industries Officer doing fencing and working with stock and horticulture at Beatrice Hill Prison. We worked with the Department of Primary Industries on the eradication of Mimosa on the Adelaide River flood plains till the prison closed in 1990.

I then worked at Gunn Point Prison Farm from 1990–1995 where I worked as Prison Officer and was promoted to Chief Industries Officer of the piggery and poultry section.

In 1995 I transferred back to Darwin Prison where I worked in Horticulture before moving to the Community Work Program taking prisoners out working in the Community doing pensioners yards. I then moved to the Carpentry Workshop as Chief Industries Officer of Carpentry, until we transferred to this new Prison Darwin Correctional Centre here at Holtz.

There have been many changes over the years in particular in the improvement in Education and training and rehab programs. The highlights have been many and something different happens each day which makes my day really interesting.