Sharmini Edwards
Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services
Commenced Public service in 1986 as A1 Medical Records clerk at Medical Records at Royal Darwin Hospital, then obtained A2 position in 1987 as receptionist at the X-Ray Department.
Obtained A3 position as Assistant Registrar at Medical Boards based at Health House then highlight of career was being accepted into the very first squad of police auxiliaries in NT Police in 1992.
Worked at Darwin, Casuarina and Palmerston police stations front counter as well as Watchhouse at Peter McAulay Centre.
Second highlight was being accepted as an auxiliary to work at the Firearms section during the firearms buyback in 1996.
I received a commendation for my work during this time with all the changes in gun laws and the buying back of firearms after the Port Arthur massacre.
I then decided to go back to an administrative role and worked at the Information Bureau as an A02 then obtained an A02 position permanently at the Firearms Section to where I remain today.
Another highlight of my career is receiving a nomination for the Chief Ministers Awards for Excellence Medal in 2021 by Amy Dysart, Executive Director, Water Resources Division, Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security.