Donald (Don) Peters

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

Don has worked with the Department for 51 years. He started out with the Commonwealth of Australia in June 1970 with the Allied Works Camp, where he was a part of the day labour crew in construction and maintenance. During this time he worked on defence bases and Frances Bay Bomb Dump Area.

After Self Government in 1978, he joined the newly created NT Government Transport and Works. Don was a major contributor in the creation of the Northern Suburbs undertaking a role as contract observer for the subdivision works. He later moved to Public Works where he was involved in the development of services in Aboriginal communities such as roads, barge landings, sewerage ponds and aerodromes.

Other significant projects Don has worked on across the Territory include:

  • the construction of the Daly River, Goyder River (x3) and Donjie Creek Bridges
  • the construction of Ayers Rock Road, Stuart Highway Footpath and Ramp and
  • upgrades on Port Keats Road and Litchfield Park Road.

Don has a wealth of knowledge and regularly provides advice and support to fellow Project Managers within the Department. He has reflected on his time with the Department and is thankful for the opportunity to travel and see many places for his work across the Territory that not everyone gets to see.

CEO of Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Andrew Kirkman accepting  the certificate.

Donald Peters