Lauren Hill
Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services
Supt Hill joined the Northern Territory (NT) Police Force in July 1989 and has served in Alice Springs, Katherine and Darwin. Early in her career, she identified the sphere of criminal investigations held the most interest for her. This resulted in Lauren travelling throughout the NT to investigate serious criminal offending. She has served in a range of investigation areas including crime, drug squad, domestic violence and sexual crimes, professional standards and regional investigation areas.
Lauren and her team were responsible for the development and delivery of specialist training for the Detective Development Pathway, which was aligned with national qualifications. She has coordinated with external professionals reviewing investigative interviewing practises to develop a quality assurance framework within the operational policing environment. She was promoted to her current rank at Katherine in 2015.
She is a strong advocate for the prevention and detection of child abuse, domestic and sexual violence and was previously involved with the development of domestic, family and sexual violence protocols through engagement with government, non-government and Indigenous groups. She has participated in local, national and international exercises and was previously a member of the Police Federation of Australia Women Advisory Committee and the Northern Territory Police Association Executive Committee.
In June 2021 Lauren was granted an Australian Police Medal on The Queen's Birthday Honours List. She is currently in the Continuous Improvement Division with the purpose of improving business practices, governance and accountability.