Special measures recruitment plans

The Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) values diversity and aims to achieve a workforce that is representative of the community we serve.

Our commitment

We are committed to improving the following for Aboriginal people:

  • recruitment
  • retention and
  • career development opportunities.

Special measure recruitment plans help us to do this.

To find out more about the types of recruitment plans and how applicants are assessed, read special measures in recruitment.

Promoting equality

A special measure is a program, plan or arrangement designed to promote equality of opportunity.

It can apply to groups of people who face or may have faced entrenched discrimination.

It allows for more favourable treatment of a group of people who have not yet achieved employment equality.

This is also known as affirmative action or positive discrimination.

The recruitment plans aim to:

  • increase the recruitment of suitable and eligible Aboriginal applicants
  • provide greater promotional opportunities for Aboriginal employees and
  • increase Aboriginal representation in senior leadership roles.

Why it's needed

Aboriginal people currently make up around 30% of our population but just 10.5% of NTPS employees.

Increasing the representation of Aboriginal employees will enable the NTPS to better reflect the diversity of the community we serve.

Having a higher proportion of Aboriginal persons in the workforce creates benefits that reach beyond a job itself.

The NTPS goal is to aim for:

  • 16% Aboriginal employees overall and
  • 10% representation of Aboriginal employees in senior leadership roles.

Statistics and targets

The NTPS is working towards achieving 16% Aboriginal representation among its employees.

An estimated 80% of all advertised vacancies in the NTPS get advertised under a special measures recruitment plan.

Success rate of Aboriginal applicants under a special measures recruitment plan is currently siting at 18%.

The table below shows the success rate of applicants over a 5 year period.


To find out more call 08 8999 4118 or email aecds.ntg@nt.gov.au.