Special measures in recruitment

A special measure is a program, plan or arrangement designed to promote equality of opportunity.

Find out more about special measures recruitment plans and read Employment Instruction number 15 PDF (140.7 KB).

Types of recruitment plans

There are 2 types of special measures recruitment plans in the Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS).

Designated Aboriginal positions

Designated vacancies are reserved for eligible Aboriginal applicants only.

No other applicants are considered.

All applicants selected for a vacancy must:

  • meet all essential selection criteria
  • be suitable at the level of the position.

Priority consideration for Aboriginal applicants

These vacancies are open to everyone including Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.

However, eligible Aboriginal applicants are assessed first.

They are offered the vacancy if they:

  • meet all the essential criteria
  • are suitable at the level of the position.

If an Aboriginal applicant is selected, the remaining non-Aboriginal applicants are not assessed.

Agencies may apply for exemptions from a special measures recruitment plan.

The Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment may exempt in circumstances where it would be fair and reasonable.

How applicants are assessed

Applicants selected under a special measures recruitment plan must provide proof of eligibility.

Aboriginal applicants who wish to be given priority consideration must when submitting their application:

  • indicate in the online recruitment system that they are Aboriginal
  • attach a copy of the required statutory declaration.

Documents needed

If selected, Aboriginal applicants must provide confirmation of Aboriginality before starting.

Applicants must also use the special statutory declaration DOCX (60.1 KB).

  • I am Aboriginal and have, or am in the process of applying for confirmation of Aboriginality from a recognised Aboriginal authority.
  • I am accepted as Aboriginal by the community in which I live or formerly lived.

If an Aboriginal applicant is unable to get a confirmation of Aboriginality, OCPE may accept other documentation.

Email specialmeasures@nt.gov.au for more information.

Advertising vacancies

To fill a vacancy under a special measures recruitment plan it must clearly state this in the:

  • job description
  • advertising.

Read Determination 8 for job descriptions PDF (189.5 KB).


Contact Public Sector Appeals and Grievance Review unit on 08 8999 4129 or email psagr@nt.gov.au.