Flexible work arrangements

The Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) supports and encourages flexible work arrangements for its employees.

If you work for the Northern Territory Government, go to NTG Central to find out more.

Balance work commitments

The NTPS wants to make it easier for employees to balance work commitments with:

  • needs of family
  • personal interests
  • community and cultural commitments
  • general health and wellbeing.

Flexible work practice helps the NTPS attract and retain staff, leading to more stability and productivity.

Different life stages

As you move through different stages of your life, personal responsibilities and priorities that can impact on your work life will change.

This can include:

  • caring for young children
  • caring for elderly or disabled family members
  • commitments such as emergency services or volunteer work
  • cultural and ceremonial commitments
  • tertiary study
  • serving on boards and committees
  • competitive sport
  • general health and wellbeing activities
  • phased retirement for older workers
  • phased return to work after injury, illness or parental leave.

Types of flexible work

There are a range of flexible work practices available in the NTPS.

It will depend on which enterprise agreement you are under.

Arrangements can cover areas such as:

  • hours of work
  • part-time employment
  • working from home
  • job share
  • leave.

To find out more, read the flexible work options commissioner’s information sheet PDF (103.4 KB).

Choose from the below flexible work arrangements.


You can use flextime to vary your working hours and patterns in the workplace.

Provisions under enterprise agreements still apply, and can be found under 'flextime arrangements'.

A record of working hours must be kept. Use the flex timesheet template XLSX (28.2 KB).

Flextime doesn't apply to shift workers.

To find out more read the flextime policy PDF (33.4 KB).

Working from home

Working from home (WFH) allows you to perform your work duties from your home.

This arrangement is not available to all employees.

A manager must consider the specific operational requirements of the role and duties before endorsing the request.

WFH can help balance your work and personal responsibilities.

The arrangement must work for everyone within the business unit and agency.

It works best with positions that have:

  • a high degree of autonomy
  • low interaction with internal and external clients
  • clearly defined work objectives.

Working from home will also depend on the following:

  • your job and agency requirements
  • delivery of services to the public
  • accessing technology remotely.

When you can't work from home

  • Your job, or parts of your job can't be performed outside the workplace.
  • You are needed at the workplace to perform other essential work.

WFH may not be suitable for employees who are:

  • on a return to work program
  • within their probation period.

Your agency will decide which employees can WFH and in what circumstances.


If you have any questions you can call 08 8999 4282 or email enquiries.ocpe@nt.gov.au.