Redeployment and redundancy
The Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) has very clear provisions detailed within enterprise agreements relating to the:
- management of potentially surplus employees
- redeployment and redundancy entitlements.
Enterprise agreements
The NTPS redeployment and redundancy provisions are provided in schedule 10 of the Northern Territory Public Sector 2021 – 2025 Enterprise Agreement PDF (4.1 MB).
These provisions are set out in all enterprise agreements for public sector employees.
Procedural requirements of the redeployment and redundancy process are set out in sections 41 to 43 of the Public Sector Employment and Management Act and Employment Instruction number 14 PDF (94.8 KB).
Employees must not be declared as potentially surplus as an alternative to:
- implementing performance management processes in under-performance situations or
- instigating inability or
- disciplinary processes where appropriate to do so.
Redeployment information
The redeployee will:
- maintain an up-to-date resume and provide a copy to nominated case manager
- actively identify and apply for other suitable employment, and participate positively and constructively when referred to potentially suitable vacancies by the agency
- actively participate in identified training options and other development opportunities.
The agency will:
- ensure the redeployee is provided with an appropriate level of assistance and case management
- actively monitor vacancies to identify other suitable employment and refer the redeployee, where necessary, to potentially suitable vacancies
- assist in the identification of reasonable training and development opportunities to maximise the potential for redeployment.
The Commissioner for Public Employment will:
- monitor and assess agency handling of the redeployment process as necessary, and provide advice to the agency and redeployee regarding the process, upon request
- maintain a central database of redeployees to maximise redeployment opportunities and for reporting purposes.
Get the evaluation of redeployees by selection advisory panels template DOCX (66.8 KB).
Read the information sheet - filling jobs resulting from substantial change PDF (221.6 KB).
Contact us
If you have any questions call 08 8999 4282 or email