Rules around confidentiality

Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) employees who are victims of domestic,  family and sexual violence can decide:

  • if they wish to share
  • when they share
  • who they will tell this information to.

To report domestic violence, go to the NT Government website. It's the law.

Submit a report

Sharing sensitive information

Once an employee makes a disclosure, mandatory reporting obligations must be followed.

Managers should speak with an employee privately.

When disclosing sensitive information, it’s important that employees feel comfortable and safe.

Employees can choose to speak with:

  • their manager or
  • Workforce Services, Department of Corporate and Digital Development (DCDD).

If employee has not made a report to police, managers can discuss how to make a report.

Keep evidence confidential

Evidence can be requested from an employee, however it's not a requirement for any assistance.

Managers and Workforce Services, DCDD can maintain confidentiality by:

  • viewing evidence once - if the employee chooses to share this information
  • not making duplicates of evidence
  • returning evidence to employee
  • reporting evidence has been viewed.

Information will not be kept on the employee’s personnel file, unless the employee gives permission.

Types of evidence

Examples of evidence may be, but are not limited to:

  • police report
  • medical report/certificate
  • counsellor’s advice
  • lawyer’s correspondence
  • statutory declaration or other appropriate information.

When there is no supporting documentation

The Commissioner for Public Employment acknowledges that employees affected may not be in a position to provide supporting documentation.

An employee’s access to leave and other options will be given without supporting documentation.

However, the manager or Workforce Services, DCDD must be satisfied that Miscellaneous Leave is required for this purpose.

If there is a safety risk

There may be times when there is a safety risk to either the affected employee or other employees.

For example, if there is a risk that an aggressive partner or family member attempts to enter the workplace.

To maintain safety in the workplace, disclosure of the situation will:

  • only happen with the consent of the employee
  • be kept to a minimum and on a ‘need-to-know’ basis.


If you have any questions, call 08 8999 4282 or email

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