Machinery of government
The Northern Territory Government's Administrative Arrangements Orders (AAO) may change from time to time.
The AAO sets out the various responsibilities for ministers as well as the agencies that report to each minister.
When it happens
A machinery of government (MoG) change occurs when the government decides to change the way government responsibilities are managed.
This may involve the movement of functions, resources and people from one agency to another.
A MoG change can be the result of:
- a change to the AAO
- the movement of responsibilities and functions between agencies.
A MoG change can lead to the:
- creation of a new government agency
- closure of an existing government agency
- movement of functions and responsibilities from one NTPS agency to another.
You will be consulted on the implementation of a MoG change.
Agencies will determine the best method of communication ensuring you are kept informed of changes.
Consultation offers you a genuine opportunity to influence the outcome of change or how change is implemented.
Consultation requirements are set out in NTPS enterprise agreements.
Agencies can use the consultation checklist to help guide them through the process.
Change to duties
If your role’s functions transfer to a new agency, your duties may change based on the needs of the new structure. Your manager will communicate any adjustments directly to you.
Change to work location
If your role’s functions are transferred, you may be required to work in a new location. Your agency will consult with you prior to any changes.
Flexible working arrangements
The NTPS supports flexible working arrangements and specific individual agreements will be honoured to extent they suit the needs of the new agency. Any changes would be managed in consultation between the individual staff member and their manager.
If you are not in your normal role/on leave
If you are on leave or not in your normal position, read below to find out how the changes will impact you.
If you are on leave, you will be contacted for consultation purposes. If your role's functions move to another agency, you will also move to the new agency on the date of the MoG change.
You should contact your manager if you are unsure of what is happening with your role.
If you are on workers compensation, you will be contacted for consultation purposes. If the functions of your role moves to another agency, then unless there is a reason related to your claim, you will also move to the new agency. Your rehabilitation rights will continue with the new agency.
Gallagher Bassett and your assigned rehabilitation provider will be able to provide further information regarding your rights under your claim and you should contact them as soon as possible should you have any concerns.
If you are on a temporary transfer or higher duties with a different agency and the functions of your nominal position transfer to a new agency, the following will happen:
- your nominal position will move to the new agency; and
- you will start with your new agency at the end of the transfer/higher duties period.
If there are any MoG changes impacting your higher duties role your current manager will consult with you about any impact these may have.
If you are a redeployee, your status will not change. If the functions you are performing transfer to a new agency, you may either move or remain in your current agency, depending on a decision made by the CEOs of both agencies.
For further information on your situation, you should discuss with either your current manager or if you are a redeployee your assigned case manager in DCDD. Alternately you can seek information via
Your agency may need to review the role/special project and its functions to determine if there will be a transfer to a new agency or not.
Agencies are required to consult affected employees on the implementation of the changes.
Filling jobs
The CEO and a majority of affected employees need to agree before the process can be followed.
Read more about the process for filling vacancies resulting from a MoG change in clause 12 of Employment Instruction 1 – Filling Vacancies PDF (3.0 MB).
If there is no agreement, the agency’s usual recruitment process will apply.
More information and support
Find out more by:
- contacting your agency’s HR area or line manager
- checking the relevant enterprise agreement.
Employee support will continue to be available through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
If you work for the Northern Territory Government, go to NTG Central to find about EAP services and providers.
Contact us
If you have any questions call 08 8999 4282 or email