Machinery of government - agency checklist
Use this machinery of government (MoG) checklist to guide your agency through consultation.
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Before you start
Identify changes for your agency and prepare an agency change management plan.
Agencies should then identify:
- affected work units and employees
- relevant unions.
Prepare a consultation plan.
Notify the Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment (OCPE) of the following:
- proposed change
- change management plan
- consultation plan.
You can contact OCPE by emailing or calling 08 8999 4282.
Read the change management in the NT Public Sector guide for agency advice to employees and unions.
Review and consider any recommendations made from previous consultation processes.
Draft initial advice/email to all employees, which covers:
- details of MoG/AAO coordination in the agency
- details of employee feedback mechanism such as an 'Ask the CEO' email address or regular briefings in smaller agencies, or a combination
- timetable for the implementation of MoG/AAO.
Draft initial advice/letter to relevant unions, which details:
- MoG/AAO coordination in the agency
- timetable for implementation of MoG/AAO
- details of effects of the MoG/AAO on the agency, if possible
- or an indication of when the implications would be known and identified.
Consider consultation meetings with relevant unions.
For specific change management you can:
- arrange further meetings or
- set up a consultative committee.
Report on discussions and any outcomes for employees and unions.
Invite comments on summaries of discussion and outcomes from unions and employees.
Evaluate comments and suggestions with a view to:
- addressing any concerns
- advising employees and unions on how these concerns and suggestions were considered or addressed.
Consider employee and union feedback.
Confirm provision of advice about the changes and the effects on the relevant employees.
You must also:
- clarify the reasons for the changes
- advise the timetable and date the changes will be implemented.
Invite employee and union feedback about the changes.
Provide an update
Advise employees and unions of the following:
- how their views were considered and taken into account
- whether the details of the implementation plan have been varied.
Implement the changes and notify OCPE.
Note any unanticipated aspects of the implementation of the changes.
Review actual change management process against the:
- change management and
- consultation plans.
Set up consultation meeting with unions to evaluate the change management process.
Include what could have been done differently.
Get feedback
Invite employee feedback on change management process through any of the following:
- meetings
- feedback loops.
Document the outcome of evaluation process.
Develop recommendations for future consultation processes.
Contact us
If you have any questions call 08 8999 4282 or email