EmployAbility Reference Group

The Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) is committed to creating an open, inclusive and diverse workplaces.

The EmployAbility Reference Group (ERG) works to understand the barriers and issues faced by employees with disability.

The group will meet regularly to discuss a planned approach to improving inclusion and diversity in the NTPS.

For more information please read the NTPS EmployAbility Reference Group terms of reference PDF (307.4 KB).


Membership is open to all NTPS employees who self-identify as having a disability, and have endorsement by their agency chief executive officer.

Members will consist of HR practitioners and employees with disability or a passion for inclusion in the workplace from across the NTPS.

The role of the ERG is to:

  • provide disability advice, assistance, guidance and information on employment matters
  • advocate for ways to make working for the NTPS a better place for people with a disability.

Once the updated EmployAbility Strategy 2023 - 2025 is reviewed with updated terms of reference, new members will be sought.

To find out more about the 2018 - 2022 group, watch the video below.

If you work for the Northern Territory Government, you can read more about the group in NTG Central.


If you have any questions call 08 8999 3708 or email swpd.ocpe@nt.gov.au.