Leave and other workplace arrangements

Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) employees who are affected by domestic, family and sexual violence can get access to flexible work options and other support.

Read about how to make a report.

Also read the following:

Miscellaneous leave for domestic,  family and sexual violence purposes

Domestic, family and sexual violence leave is accessed in accordance with By-law 18 – miscellaneous leave.

It’s in addition to other leave entitlements. Domestic,  family and sexual violence leave will count as service.

Employees can use this leave to:

  • find safe accommodation
  • attend court hearings
  • access legal advice
  • organise alternative care or education arrangements for their children.

It can also be used for other related purposes approved by the chief executive officer (CEO).

Flexible workplace arrangements

Employees experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence can access various flexible work options and other support during their employment with the NTPS.

Check your enterprise agreement for options.

Working part-time

The employee can apply to work part-time for a period of time.

Subject to the relevant enterprise agreement, the CEO and the employee will agree in writing on:

  • a regular pattern of part-time work, such as agreed hours
  • specifying hours worked each:
    • day
    • days of the week
    • starting and finishing times each day.

Flexible working arrangements

Flexible working arrangements are designed to accommodate an employee’s personal commitments or needs.

Flexible work arrangements are negotiated together and then approval is given. These can include varying work times.

Read more about employee assistance.

Leave without pay (By-law 16)

If the employee requires an extended period of leave away from the workplace, for example to stay with family interstate, they can apply for leave without pay. This leave will not break continuity of service.

Recreation leave and long service leave at half pay

If required, an employee can apply for recreation or long service leave at half pay to extend time away, in accordance with the relevant enterprise agreement.

Personal leave

Employees should use personal leave for an illness or injury caused by domestic, family and sexual violence. They should also:

  • seek treatment from a medical practitioner
  • get counselling services to ensure they receive necessary care and support.

Where an employee has exhausted all personal leave, the CEO may grant additional personal leave at half pay. You must have more than one days absence. This is subject to the relevant enterprise agreement and all relevant circumstances.

Guidance on how to submit

Generally a leave application should be submitted for approval before your leave commences. However, back dated applications may be approved for unplanned leave.

Confidentiality and evidence

Applications for miscellaneous leave will be dealt with confidentially and sensitively.

Evidence may be requested but is not a requirement for leave to be granted. For further information, read rules around confidentiality.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Employees who are experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence are encouraged to contact employer funded support available from the EAP. If you work for the NT Government,  go to NTG Central  for providers.

Enterprise agreement

Check your enterprise agreement for domestic, family and sexual violence provisions.


If you have any questions, call 08 8999 4282 or email enquiries.ocpe@nt.gov.au.

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