Manager's initial response
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If an employee is in danger, call 000.
This page provides information for Northern Territory Public Sector managers to provide immediate support in the workplace.
Also read how your manager and Workforce Services can assist.
Report domestic, family and sexual violence on the Northern Territory Government website. It's the law.
Managers role - give immediate support
Listen to the person closely with empathy and without judgement. Be patient, calm and compassionate.
Show the employee that you understand and believe them.
Assure them that they are not to blame.
Let the employee tell their story at their own pace if they choose to share it with you.
Ask about their needs and concerns
Find out what concerns them.
Discuss what their workplace entitlements are.
Give them the opportunity to say what they want.
Ask “how can we help you?”
Mandatory reporting
If it hasn't been reported to police, you must follow mandatory reporting guidelines.
If the employee asks for assistance in making a report to the police regarding their experience of sexual violence you may support them.
Offer information and referrals
After the initial disclosure, they may seek support from the workplace.
Anyone experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence can access a variety of leave options and other working arrangements.
Your role is not to counsel the employee, instead offer information and refer them to the appropriate support services.
Find out on more the NT Government website.
You should also take what is happening into consideration if there are concerns about the employee’s performance.
What happens next
Managers must report domestic, family and sexual violence on the NT Government website.
They must also maintain confidentiality.
Mandatory reporting doesn't apply to sexual violence unless it occurs in a domestic and family context or involves a child.
Follow up
Check in with the employee before the expiry of the first application for leave and/or a workplace arrangement to identify if any changes further need to be made.
If you have any questions, call 08 8999 4282 or email