Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security (DEPWS)
What we will do | What success will look like | Timeline |
Create a 'disability aware' module into their induction programs for all new employees across the department. | Inclusion of module in the DEPWS induction package | Ongoing |
Commit to CE level messaging around inclusion diversity and workplace flexibility to all staff annually. | CEO message delivered | Ongoing |
Ensure accessibility resources are available and communicated to support managers and employees (department will nominate an employee as the contact person for information and resources). | Contact person identified - responsible for ensuring relevant information is current and available (e.g. on intranet or via email) | Ongoing |
Promote mentoring and/or peer support program for staff with disabilities to assist with personal and professional development. | All employees with a disability provided with the option to have a mentor in the workplace | Ongoing |
Achieved actions or programs
- Promotes disability confident training for all staff, managers and supervisors on NTG platforms.
- Delivered Psychosocial hazard training workshops for employees.
- Promotes mental health awareness on NTG platforms for all employees.
- Feedback received from employees and barriers identified in the workplace.
- DEPWS have included appropriate actions in the DEPWS Workforce Strategy to support increasing the number of employees within the department with disabilities.
- Ensure all fire wardens and first aid officers are provided with awareness training and support to ensure they can meet needs of any staff with a disability who may require assistance in their designated area.
- Ensure managers are aware of their obligations to provide support and reasonable workplace adjustments for employees with disabilities.
- Provide information on inclusion and diversity awareness on the DEPWS intranet including the department’s Inclusion and diversity policy to ensure that all employees are aware of what inclusion, diversity and an inclusive workplace means.
- Proactively build a culture of inclusion that values people of all backgrounds and abilities in all areas of the department.
- Ensure all job descriptions (JDs) are reviewed regularly to ensure they are compliant with OCPE guidelines for writing JD.
- Audit workplace accessibility including hearing loops, and other communication technology, make improvements where necessary.
- Enhance the digital accessibility of websites and mobile apps.
- Proactively promote awareness and use of the disability employment resources available on NTG Central including the workplace adjustment policy.
- Introduced flexible working arrangements.
- Commit to making all meetings and training venues accessible.
- Disability in the workplace
- Disability action plans
- Department of Attorney-General and Justice
- Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet
- Department of Corporate and Digital Development
- Department of Education (DoE)
- Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security (DEPWS)
- Department of Health (NT Health)
- Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT)
- Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL)
- Department of Legislative Assembly (DLA)
- Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF)
- Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities (TFHC)
- Jacana Energy (JE)
- Land Development Corporation (LDC)
- Northern Territory Auditor-General’s Office (NTAGO)
- Northern Territory Electoral Commission (NTEC)
- Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services (NTPFES)
- Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment (OCPE)
- Office of the Independent Commissioner against Corruption NT (ICAC)
- Office of the Northern Territory Ombudsman
- Power and Water Corporation (PWC)
- Territory Generation