Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services (NTPFES)

What we will doWhat success will look likeTimeline
Provide education and awareness programs to the workforce including unconscious bias, cross cultural awareness and mental health first aid training.

Delivery of listed mandated training across the tri-service.

Measured via MyAdapt though the number of training sessions conducted and rates of employees that participated and completed the courses and surveys results.

Implement an inclusion and diversity awareness strategy to ensure all employees are aware of what inclusion, diversity and inclusive workplace means.

Development of tools and resources around diversity and inclusion.

Measured via annual report, People Matter survey and Corporate Communications by ensuring the branding of the Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Change Opportunities (DISCO) Steering Committee is implemented across all marketing material.

Review recruitment to all facets of NTPFES to increase diversity and remove any unnecessary entry requirements of barriers.

This will support the NTPFES workforce to be reflective of the diverse community we serve.

Measured via People Matter survey, NTPFES collection of demographic data, annual report, special measures plan, recruitment pool and NTPFES board report that relates to disability.

Regularly review and update policies and practices to identify and remove barriers of inclusion.

Policies, procedures and practices need to be consistent with Anti-Discrimination legislation, and relevant NT Government and Federal strategies.

Measured via the Policy Review Project through number of general orders and policies reviewed, amended and promulgated and projected reduction in discrimination complaints.


Achieved actions or programs

  • NTPFES has now commenced Suicide prevention training (ASIST) with further training calendar to be developed. Two members have now received the training for trainers’ qualification (T4T).
  • In 2022 NTPFES started rolling out Respectful Workplace Training and Mental Health First Aid training to all employees, since this time over 800 people have received the Respectful Workplace Training and over 600 have completed the Mental Health First Aid training.
  • Development and publication of the Diversity and Inclusion Strategy within the NTPFES Ten Year Strategy.
  • Development and publication of the Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Implementation Plan.
  • Establishment of the Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Change Opportunities (DISCO) Steering Committee.