Northern Territory Electoral Commission (NTEC)
What we will do | What success will look like | Timeline |
Ensure leadership group are aware of the obligations to provide support and reasonable work adjustments for employees with disabilities. Increase leadership awareness of disability issues in the workplace and best practice approaches to inclusive practice. | Managers access, review and utilise online support resources where necessary. Changes where necessary are identified and included in workplace plans (workplace personalisation, flexible workplace arrangements and other design initiatives). | Ongoing |
Promote inclusion awareness and utilise resources contained in the inclusion and diversity toolkit. Improve agency culture in relation to inclusion and diversity. | Review accessibility to online support resources. NTEC staff are aware of and utilise inclusion and diversity resources (NTEC staff meetings and emails). Promote opportunities to staff to participate in training identified and offered in the NTPS EmployAbility Strategy. | Ongoing |
Engage with OCPE to consider the opportunity for NTEC to develop an election support placement opportunity as part of an election workforce development plan. Promote diversity ad inclusion and raise awareness of its importance within the NTPS. Increase agency awareness and update of actions and initiatives related to EmployAbility Strategy. | NTEC to liaise with OCPE to consider opportunities for placement opportunities during election periods and if supported, commencing the placement design process. | Ongoing |
Achieved actions or programs
- NTEC leadership team have completed or committed to complete Disability Confident Workforces and Disability Confident Managers training.
- Agency contribution to the DEP Levy.
- Engagement of HPA to support election activities.
- Opportunities for employment (all abilities) to support election activities.
- Disability in the workplace
- Disability action plans
- Department of Attorney-General and Justice
- Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet
- Department of Corporate and Digital Development
- Department of Education (DoE)
- Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security (DEPWS)
- Department of Health (NT Health)
- Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT)
- Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL)
- Department of Legislative Assembly (DLA)
- Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF)
- Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities (TFHC)
- Jacana Energy (JE)
- Land Development Corporation (LDC)
- Northern Territory Auditor-General’s Office (NTAGO)
- Northern Territory Electoral Commission (NTEC)
- Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services (NTPFES)
- Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment (OCPE)
- Office of the Independent Commissioner against Corruption NT (ICAC)
- Office of the Northern Territory Ombudsman
- Power and Water Corporation (PWC)
- Territory Generation