Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment (OCPE)

What we will doWhat success will look likeTimeline

Actively support and promote job sharing and flexible working arrangements across OCPE and the broader NTPS. Ensure all advertised vacancies within OCPE promote job sharing and flexible work arrangements.

Public Sector Appeals and Grievance Reviews to review all OCPE job descriptions before uploading to eRecruit to ensure compliance with Determination 8, 2018. Ongoing
Strive for 100% of OCPE staff having completed ‘Disability Confident Manager’ online training. Directors to report to CPE that all staff have completed online training. Ongoing
Form a staff working group to monitor the progress of the DAP and to encourage accessible thinking and working conditions within OCPE.

Working group to meet at least 4 times to measure compliance against the DAP and brainstorm ideas to promote diversity and inclusion within OCPE.

Working group to report to OCPE leadership team, at least twice, over the life of the DAP.


CPE to continue to champion diversity and inclusion across the NTPS by:

  • actively encouraging CEO’s to promote flexible workplace arrangements particularly for people with disabilities
  • actively encouraging staff to update EEO information in MyHR to better identify staff with disability.

In Hands Up for Inclusion newsletters and in CPE's adhoc video messages to staff, messaging will be included about:

  • flexible workplace arrangements and
  • the importance of accurate MyHR information.
Celebrate International Day of People with Disability with an OCPE event. Day of celebration marked with an OCPE event.Annually
All OCPE planning days to incorporate learning opportunities on topics such as flexible workplace arrangements, job sharing, unconscious bias and working with people with disability. Inclusion and diversity to be a standing item on planning day agendas.Ongoing
OCPE commit to only booking meeting and training venues that are accessible to people with disabilities. Where possible, OCPE staff to only book accessible venues in Darwin and the regions. Ongoing

Achieved actions or programs

  • Development and execution of HUFI week long events attracting 100s of staff to raise awareness and educate on inclusion matters. Ensuring events are accessible to all attendees and providing adjustments where needed.
  • Implementation of disability online training module for agencies and actively encouraging OCPE to complete since 2018.
  • Implementation of the workplace adjustment tool kit for agencies.
  • Implementation of the Disability Reference Group with the aim of raising disability awareness, championing reasonable adjustments and accessible thinking in the NTPS and to strengthen inclusion and diversity in the NTPS.
  • Use of transcript and AI media to support people with disability in meetings.
  • All employees have a flexible work agreement to support.
  • Development and implementation of a HUFI newsletter to all NTPS staff to raise awareness of disability.