Power and Water Corporation (PWC)
What we will do | What success will look like | Timeline |
Celebrate International Day of People with Disability with a PWC event. | Day of celebration marked with a morning tea where a member of the Disability Action Plan working group will share information about removing barriers for persons with a disability in the workplace. | 2021 |
Investigate including the ‘Disability Confident Manager’ online training into the suite of existing PWC compulsory online training modules. | Work with the Department of Corporate and Digital Development to scope the mobility of the module into PWC’s online learning platform (ELMO). Announce and implement the training into the suite of existing PWC compulsory online training modules. | 2021: scope and plan the implementation of the module. 2022: Module available on ELMO and incorporated into the compulsory suite for new commencements. |
Actively and regularly encourage employees with a disability to identify on PIPS to ensure greater accuracy of data which will lead to better reporting and resources across the NTPS. | Message in the fortnightly CEO update to promote the importance of updating data in MyHR. | Message to be included in the second CEO update of 2022. |
Achieved actions or programs
- All fire wardens and first aid officers are provided with awareness training and support to ensure they can meet the needs of any staff with a disability who may require assistance in their designated area.
- All job descriptions are reviewed prior to advertising by People & Culture Business Partners to ensure they are compliant with OCPE guidelines.
- Created and supported the roll out of resources, including mental health awareness, to help staff better manage their physical and mental wellbeing through:
- mental health webinars to support staff working during COVID lockdown periods
- providing mental health first aid courses
- piloting the Mental Health 101 course for employees and managers.
- Disability in the workplace
- Disability action plans
- Department of Attorney-General and Justice
- Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet
- Department of Corporate and Digital Development
- Department of Education (DoE)
- Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security (DEPWS)
- Department of Health (NT Health)
- Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT)
- Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL)
- Department of Legislative Assembly (DLA)
- Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF)
- Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities (TFHC)
- Jacana Energy (JE)
- Land Development Corporation (LDC)
- Northern Territory Auditor-General’s Office (NTAGO)
- Northern Territory Electoral Commission (NTEC)
- Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services (NTPFES)
- Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment (OCPE)
- Office of the Independent Commissioner against Corruption NT (ICAC)
- Office of the Northern Territory Ombudsman
- Power and Water Corporation (PWC)
- Territory Generation